Commonwealth Says NO MORE

Commonwealth Says NO MORE (CSNM) is an initiative bringing together the Commonwealth Secretariat and the NO MORE Foundation.
The Commonwealth of Nations comprises 56 member countries, which account for almost one-third of the world’s population. Our purpose is to prevent domestic and sexual violence, help Commonwealth member countries record accurate data on the prevalence of violence, deliver grassroots projects, train community leaders, educate bystanders, and provide awareness resources.
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Working together
The partnership aims to support the 56 Commonwealth member countries to take positive action and build upon their work to address gender-based violence, gender equality, women’s empowerment, and other health and education priorities for women and girls.
Formalized in 2019, Commonwealth Says NO MORE promotes a positive partnership for change by building a coalition of governments, businesses, civil society, and citizens committed to ending violence against women and girls.

Action PacksTogether We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence