Highlights From NO MORE Day
NO MORE Day, was an historic day of awareness for domestic violence and sexual assault. The official launch of NO MORE, the first branding effort for these hidden issues, was commemorated with a variety of events which took place across the nation. The NO MORE symbol generated widespread media attention from outlets including ABC News, Examiner.com the Washington Examiner and more.
USA TODAY Announced NO MORE: “Sexual abuse and domestic violence symbol is launched”
The No More Project has created a symbol to raise awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault. Click to read more
ABC News – “‘Twilight,’ ‘Law and Order’ Actresses Say ‘No More’ to Domestic Violence”
Twilight Actress and mark Brand ambassador, Ashley Greene, and actress and President and Founder of the Joyful Heart Foundation, Mariska Hargitay, were among those who said NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault in honor of NO MORE Day, March 13, 2013.
A week after President Obama signed a bill reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, celebrities and business leaders came to the Capitol today to end domestic abuse… Click to read more
Teen Vogue Talks to Actress Ashley Greene About Why She’s Raising Awareness About Dating Abuse
Q: If a girl finds herself as a victim of dating abuse, what should she do?
A: “There are so many organizations available now for young women in abusive situations. In 2012 I had the opportunity to meet with some of the members of loveisrespect.org‘s National Youth Advisory Board, a group of teens and young adults who provide support to the website and help spread the word about the cause. Their website is great and they work with the National Dating Abuse Helpline, which is an amazing 24-hour resource. You can also find help through nomore.org.”
– Ashley Greene
The Huffington Post featured Op-Ed by Safe Horizon’s Ariel Zwang on the Launch of the NO MORE Campaign
…Early activists realized that if a cure or effective treatment was to be found, we could not, as a society, allow prejudice and bigotry based on sexual orientation to push AIDS into the shadows. Silence wasn’t an option, and in order to stem the tide of this issue, more public awareness was needed…We must now turn that sense of urgency, soul searching, and unified national mission to bring visibility to violence against women in America. Click to read more
“Let the silent victims among us know that they are not alone. “
Washington Post – “Silent on rape no more”
Writer Kathleen Parker discussed the lesson Mariska Hargitay, President and Founder of the Joyful Heart Foundation and well known star of NBC’s, Law and Order SVU, hopes to convey through her no-nonsense character, Olivia Benson: Rape victims are victims, period. And perps will be prosecuted. But first, America has to say, “no more.” Click to read more
Washington Examiner – “In Washington, Mariska Hargitay gives serious talk, hangs out with Joe Biden”
“Peace has its peace sign, and the red ribbon demands action for AIDS, and the pink ribbon has changed the way we think about breast cancer, and now, our collective commitment to end sexual assault and domestic violence, it now has its own symbol…” -Mariska Hargitay, President and Founder of the Joyful Heart Foundation
Examiner.com – “NO MORE: Advocates launch new symbol for domestic violence and sexual assault”
March 13 marks a historic date in domestic violence awareness as major domestic violence and sexual assault prevention organizations across the U.S. came together today in Washington to join forces with corporate leaders, branding experts, celebrities, athletes and advocates nationwide to launch the first unifying branding symbol, like the pink breast cancer ribbon and the red AIDS ribbon, for domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA,) called NO MORE….Click to read more
- Photo Courtesy: Getty Images
HealthDay News shed light on the new “NO MORE Study”
The NO MORE Study: Teens and Young Adults was funded by the AVON Foundation for Women and highlights the need for increased education and awareness surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly among young people. The article discussed the findings in depth.
More than half of all teens and young adults in the United States know a victim of dating violence or sexual assault, according to a new national survey…Click to read more
ABC News featured Christine Mau in “Kleenex Designer Goes Public…”
In 2010, Christine Mau, a brand design director for Kimberly-Clark, was named one of Advertising Age’s “Women to Watch.” She created the oval-shaped Kleenex box and added rainbow colors to tampon wrappers and feminine pads.
But at the height of her creative success, none of her corporate colleagues knew… Click to read more
The Huffington Post: Tim Gunn Says “It’s Time To Say NO MORE”
Tim Gunn, Dean of Fashion for Fifth & Pacific Companies, is an outspoken advocate for the importance of the NO MORE symbol.
Consider this: domestic violence and sexual assault do not just impact survivors; these crimes affect all of us. With one in four women experiencing domestic violence in their lives and one in six men being sexually abused before the age of 18, these individuals are not stranger to us. They are our co-workers, our friends, or family. Click to read more
Buzzfeed reported that the NO MORE Study Shows “Young Women More Likely To Admit Hitting A Partner
Writer Anna North discussed that female respondents were more likely to admit they had hit their partners than male respondents were.
Top reason for hitting: “They hit me first.”
Regardless of who hits first, domestic disputes put women at greater risk of bodily injury; according to the National Crime Victimization Survey, women are 7 to 10 times more likely to be hurt by a partner than men are, no matter who initiates violence. Click to read more
Cosmopolitan urged readers to “Say NO MORE to Domestic Violence”
Every year, 12.7 million people are physically abused, assaulted, or stalked by their partners—and it’s time we stand up and say no more. That’s the message behind NO MORE, a new organization that’s promoting change and raising awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault. Click to read more
Together We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence