6 Ways To Make A Difference This Summer

The summer is heating up! So should your support for the amazing organizations working to end domestic violence and sexual assault! Here are eight ways to stay involved and show your support for the NO MORE mission this summer…
Help make the first-ever NO MORE license plate a reality.
Order the new CA says NO MORE license plate! California is the first state in the nation to establish a specialized NO MORE license plate to fund local programs in the fight against domestic violence and sexual assault. Plus, they look awesome. Order your specialty license plate here!
Order your CA says NO MORE license plate
Host a summer bake sale.
Host a bake sale/lemonade stand for your local service provider. Bake doughnuts and use blue frosting to mirror the NO MORE symbol, or serve up refreshing NO MORE blue raspberry lemonade to beat the heat. Donate the proceeds go to a local crisis center or organization. Download free signage in our free Toolkit. Take photos and share on social media with the hashtag #NOMORE and tag @NOMOREorg so we can share with our network as well!
Join us at an event.
Register for the annual National Sexual Assault Conference in Washington D.C., August 31 – September 2. Check out the workshops for victim advocates and other professionals in the field here.
Join NWCAVE and YWCA Clark County for their NO MORE Summit 2017 in Vancouver, WA! The Anti-Violence Summit will be held January 12 & 13, 2017 at the Hilton Vancouver Hotel and will include speakers including advocate, Brenda Tracy. Register here!
To find more events near you, click here.
Show us your NO MORE & NO MÁS!
Where you are this summer sharing #NOMORE this summer? Tag @NOMOREorg and @WeSayNoMas and include your city and state your so we can give you a shoutout!
Make a statement.
You can join the global fun of soccer this summer with the We Say NO MÁS soccer ball or get a baseball hat, some backpack pins, a tote bag, a tank and more at the NO MORE store! Or, you can use the image files and usage guidelines in our Tool Kit to make them yourself!
Help Safe Horizon #PutTheNailinIt by painting your ring
fingernails purple!
Join Safe Horizon, the largest victim services organization in the country, and #PutTheNailinIt! Make a donation of any size to to Safe Horizon and paint your ring fingernails purple. Share it on social media with the hashtag #PutTheNailinIt to inspire your network of friends to do the same. And make sure you check out the awesome #PutTheNailinIt PSA featuring celebrities like Kyra Sedgewick and Alan Cumming.
Have more ideas for our Summer Guide? Email info@nomore.org so we can expand our Guide!
Together We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence